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St. Luke's Olympians & Ellinakia Dance Groups                                                                   


If you would like more information, please contact:


Dance Troupe Director:

Cynthia Costanzo



Christos Yiantsos- Lead Instructor for Olympians

Evan Palmieri- Instructor for Olympians


Yianna Yiantsos- Lead Instructor for Ellinakia

Antonia Karasavas- Instructor for Ellinakia

Angelina Maroulis- Instructor for Ellinakia


Greetings and welcome to the St. Luke Dance Groups!


Practice times are on Thursdays

Olympians (7 th-12th grade) 7:00-8:30

Ellinakia ( 2nd- 4th grade ) 7:00-8:00

Ellinakia ( 5th & 6th grade ) 7:30-8:30


We currently have three dance groups to accommodate the ages of our dancers.

The Ellinakia Group is our beginner's JOY age and is made up of two age groups. They will be taught the beginning foundations of traditional Greek dances and perform at various events throughout the year.  

Our GOYA age dance group The Olympians, learn a variety of more intricate dances as well as perform and participate in regional competitions.


All the groups practice and perform enthusiastically throughout the year at festivals, dinner dances, and various functions.

Not only do the students gain experience in the dancing, but they also grow and build friendships that are long-lasting.

Greece is one of the few countries in the world where folk dance is as alive today as it was in ancient times. Dance has always played an important role in the life of a Greek. It is an expression of human feelings and everyday life. Dance was and is regarded as one of the highest forms of art.


The dance, of all the arts, is the one that most influences the soul.

Dancing is divine in its nature and is the gift of the gods. Plato


Below are a few rules required for our dancers:


  • Excellent behavior is expected

  • Follow directions of those in charge

  • Respect your fellow dancers

  • Respect the church facilities and property

  • Use appropriate language and gestures

  • No foods, drinks or gum allowed

  • All dancers must wear appropriate shoes; laces tied; no clogs or sandals

  • If your child doesn't feel well, it is best that he/she does not come to dance practice that day, for the well-being of your child and all the children at practice



    Proper Attire

     Please remember that sneaker and shoes with a back are the only shoes allowed at practice. Please when the summer do not allow children to come to practice with sandals or crocs. The foot and ankle need constant support in dancing, as with all sports. If the student comes with either of the shoes listed, they will be asked to sit out and watch.



     Please try to keep absences to a minimum. We do understand that students have other obligations and do get sick. However, when it comes time to performances and we learn new dances and the absent student does not know them, they will be very reluctant to dance. We want every student engaged and enthusiastic to dance.



     Please try to limit tardiness as much as possible. It is very difficult to line up the students and then have other students walk in late.



     We will consistently emphasize three expectations when at dance practice: be responsible, be respectful and be positive. If a student has difficulty with behavior they will be asked to leave dance practice for the entire day. Chronic problems or severe misbehavior will need to be handled with more specific consequences. We will let parents know immediately if a student is having severe problems with behavior at dance practice.



     We want to be sure that there is clear and frequent communication between home and dance practice. We will always send emails reminding you about dates and times and performances and important updates. Also, we always welcome feedback or questions from parents and children.


    Dress Code for Performances



    Girls:  - Greek Ethnic Costumes OR white button down shirts, back knee length skirts, and (new this year) black CHARACTER  shoes

    Boys: - white button down shirts, black slacks, and black dress shoes. (vests and waist sashes provided)


    Olympians - Costumes will be provided. Black character dance shoes are required for girls.


    Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

    Thank you for your cooperation,

    Betty Tsarouchis


Registration Form
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